Find the meaning in your life, get purpose and profession which suits the best for your character and nature.
Understand whats happy life's about and how you can live it happy, healthy and wealthy today.
zHustlers is an ancient wisdom mindset music project to remind everyone that the aim of a life is happiness and free one from a mindsets of slavery.
Formula to it lies in the successful implementation of one's Dharma (designation), Artha (profession), Kama (gained pleasure) and finally - Moksha (redemption).
In these songs or how I call them - mindsets - listener will find ancient mindset poetry used by zHustlers music project gathered from different religious traditions worldwide with chill out dubby reggae beat with an insight of ancient mysticism and art of meditation from like Vedas, Bible and Christian Gospel, Freemasonry, Yoga, Islam, Sufism, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Kabbalah presented by authors like Patanjali, Rabindranath Tagore, Prophet Muhammad, Milarepa, Edwin Arnold, Veda Vyasa, Peter Cole, Kalidasa, Michael A. Sells, Mansur al- Hallaj, Kabir, Niffari, Andrew Harvey, Eryk Hanut, Rumi, Sultan Valad, Mahmud Shabistari, Rabi´a al-Adawiyya, Sanai, Saadi, Attar, Jami, Farid ud Din Attar, Yunus Emre and author himself - Martins Ate
Google or search in your music player for zHustlers

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Get enlightened within 3 hours most easy way - read 108 Infinite Mindsets and listen to Chill-out Music on the background! :) In this book you will find mind-blowing verses used by zHustlers music project gathered from different religious traditions worldwide.
Reader will have insight of ancient mysticism and art of meditation from traditions like Vedas, Bible and Christian Gospel, Freemasonry, Yoga, Islam, Sufism, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Kabbalah presented by authors like Patanjali, Prophet Muhammad, Milarepa, Edwin Arnold, Veda Vyasa, Peter Cole, Kalidasa, Michael A. Sells, Mansur al- Hallaj, Kabir, Niffari, Andrew Harvey, Eryk Hanut, Rumi, Sultan Valad, Mahmud Shabistari, Rabi´a al-Adawiyya, Sanai, Saadi, Attar, Jami, Farid ud Din Attar, Yunus Emre, Rabindranath Tagore and author himself - Martins Ate - with author comments of each of them in order to eliminate daily stress and gain understanding of Truth. Read together with listening to the music online - search for "zHustlers" mindsets on your music player and enjoy reading together with smooth chilled out dubby reggae beat.
zHustlers is an ancient wisdom mindset music project to remind everyone that the aim of a life is happiness and free one from a mindsets of slavery. Formula to it lies in the successful implementation of one's Dharma (designation), Artha (profession), Kama (gained pleasure) and finally - Moksha (redemption). In this book reader will find ancient mindset poetry used by zHustlers music project gathered from different religious traditions worldwide and some poetry made up by Martins Ate as well with comments on each of them in order to eliminate daily stress and gain understanding of Truth. Read together with listening to the music online - search for "zHustlers" mindsets on your music player and enjoy reading together with smooth chilled out dubby reggae beat.
You can also try out simple but effective enlightenment package at martinsate.com ;)
It is worrying how world today strives too hard and people are irresponsibly ignoring systems control mechanisms stretching it's roots deeper and deeper in our daily life selling to people lowest level happiness for the highest price of a Life - increasing stress and decreasing aims.
This also has impacted the music we are listening to daily. Music was never supposed to be as degradating as it is today. Even Rockefeller Foundation had an interest in making sure the United States adopted the 440 Hz standard back in 1935 as part of a “war on consciousness” leading to “musical cult control.” If you look down the right paths, it becomes clear that governments and various security apparatuses have used music to control us using music. All the music of the West that’s based on the standard 12-tone scale is used for the management of crowds as well as thought control not even talking about scenes considered as erotic 50 years ago being pumped for keeping consciousness at the lowest states of existence.
The monopolization of the music industry features this imposed frequency that is ‘herding’ populations into greater aggression, psycho-social agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illnesses and financial impositions profiting the agents, agencies, and companies engaged in the monopoly. For thousands of years music has been used for creative motivation and inspiration for usefulness and striving for Truth.
Today's pop-music is setting up your mind for trouble causing and life devastating problems, having focus on animal level meanings. Even if it is hard to prove and it is very arguable question on human rights etc - this book is mostly nothing else than extractions from ancient sacred scriptures used in zHustlers music from saints and persons who have reached the highest truth with knowledge valuated for millennias.
Desire to be a part of humanity assisting fellow mates on our path for Truth based on Love, Divinity and Unity led me found my own music record label Black Sea Records giving similar minded artists opportunity to record themselves and spread the messaage of Love - thats where I also do all my work on zHustlers. The praises I have chosen to sing for zHustlers have been inside me for years. I have chosen my favorite ones to sing about - the ones which describes at the best my own understanding on God through my wide travelling & tripping experiences. Hopefully you will find some attractive mindsets to see power yourself up for striving for Truth. The toughest part of this book is a full Patanjali Yoga Sutras with my comments on them - as they are mindsets used in zHustlers music.
The Vedas suggest that the Truth is beyond faith, magic and knowledge. This book is about looking at all religions as "letucies under One Sun" - each being in One and fully depending on One with one aim - to reach the One - Truth - avoiding spiecism. Poems of various writers are extractions from the lyrics I used in songs starting from first album placed in the begining of this book and last one - at the end in order to lift the veil from a reader and listener of these magical mindsets. Patanjali Yoga sutras - the full excerption of which is included in this book - is considered as a main knowledge to understand the Whole. In the music they are represented in a two albums - Eight Magic Balls 1 and 2 covering whole course of Yoga Sutras.
What does zHustlers means? "z" is taken from as last letter in the latin alphabet expressing "Last" so fully meaning The Last Hustlers. Last due to believe that with increased dependency on robotics and A.I. and brainwave technology like 5G, biomagnetic fintech development like NFC, after millenials will come out brain fried beings with less inner power to achieve personal goals - to hustle - and future society might be kept as a pets supervised by bots. So this book is for those last ones who wish to understand their goals and achieve them without depending on all what's happening arround. To be the last goal achievers - the last hustlers - by lifting the vail of ignorance with ancient wisdom mindsets while there is still a moment available to do so.
Google or search for zHustlers mindsets in your music player like Anghami, Napster, Amazon Music, iTunes, Spotify, Sounclound, Pandora, Youtube, etc! And think twice before you listen to the next latest radio hit again!
May Infinite Peace, Happiness and prosperity be with all.